
Journalism and Essays

Journalism and Essays




Mark Twain’s Quest to Bring Affordable Watches to the Masses

Smithsonian | August 6, 2019

The untold story of Twain’s investment in a company that launched a signature “Mark Twain” watch movement.

Success Doesn’t Exist

Medium | February 2, 2015

For a writer, will it ever be enough?

The Humanities Misconception

The Orange County Register | September 13, 2013

Why studying the humanities in college can lead to greater career satisfaction.

Don’t Be Afraid of Going to Graduate School in the Humanities

Pacific Standard | June 13, 2013

Even if you don’t end up in academia, odds are you’ll get a job—and you’ll love it.

Why the Right Hates English

Inside Higher Ed | May 18, 2012

Why the conservative critique of English will never die.

The Quality of Quantity in Academic Research

The Chronicle of Higher Education | May 22, 2011

Think professors should stop wasting time with all that low-quality research? If only it were that simple.

The Unintended Value of the Humanities

The Chronicle of Higher Education | May 23, 2010

On the surprising utility of seemingly useless knowledge.